04 May 2008

Tide Watches, Part I

After seeing this ad, it's unlikely I'll ever buy a Freestyle watch. "Simplest tide watch in the universe... built with the female in mind." What, women are too stupid to read other tide watches? Puh-leez!

Update: Didn't someone say it's a woman's prerogative to change her mind? Check out Part II.


  1. no no, it's built with the female in mind because of the size of the watch. Finally a tide watch that isn't the same SIZE as a guys. We thought that would be cool? Chad from Freestyle.

  2. Thanks for clarifying, Chad (and for reading my blog!). But I think y'all should fire your ad agency for using such lousy wording.

    And guess what? I just bought a Tide 3.0.

  3. right on, I'm embarrassed to say It looks like I'll have to fire myself, LOL! No worries though, all feedback is welcome, we never even considered consumers might look at it as you did. Let us know how the Tide 3.0 works out for you! Cheers, Chad

  4. Hey, Chad, can you tell me why low tide times on the Freestyle 3.0G are so far off? Highs are pretty close but lows are around 2 hours late. Here's an example, but I've seen the same for other dates and locations.

    June 28th for Santa Cruz:

    Tide 3.0G
    LO 3:02A 0.4FT
    HI 7:32A 3.6FT
    LO 2:08P 2.2FT
    HI 6:38P 6.3FT

    Low 1:18 AM 0.6
    High 7:29 AM 2.9
    Low 11:47 AM 2.0
    High 6:44 PM 5.7

    Surfline Steamer Lane
    01:02 am 0.40 ft LOW
    07:47 am 3.05 ft HIGH
    11:47 am 2.35 ft LOW
    06:36 pm 5.82 ft HIGH
