09 May 2024

Lay Day

After the beating at La Paz yesterday, and pushing my body hard, I needed a day of rest.

In the morning, I took a walk on the beach at low tide and went into the little town of El Zonte.

In the afternoon, the camp van took me an hour into the mountains for a waterfall hike. A guide met us at the park to lead the way. It was a bit awkward that no one else had come with me and neither of the guys spoke much English - nor I much Spanish - but we communicated just enough. While it's been hazy, maybe from fires, or overcast most days, the sun came out on the hike up out of the canyon and I felt like I was close to overheating. It was as unpleasantly hot as the ice bath yesterday was unpleasantly cold, and I was glad of the a/c when we got back to the van.
The waves looked fun out front but tomorrow is another day to surf!

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