Tide: Rising, just past -0.2' low
Wind: Light breeze
Air/Water Temp: 55/52 degrees
Wildlife: Dolphins & a sea otter
Since points north seemed they would be blown out, D and I headed to Santa Cruz. Capitola was tiny, so once again we ended up near PP. Since I've decided I want to move down to a shortboard, D let me try out his 6'3". I almost kinda sorta was able to duck dive it a couple times. But the chest- to head-high waves were inconsistent and often mushy (plus, it goes without saying, it was crowded), so I didn't manage to catch any waves before we switched boards again. Then I had to let one go because a guy was right in front of me and I was afraid I'd hit him when I took off. But I did get in one brief ride before the wave mushed out on me, and my shoulder held up fairly well. Any day surfing is a good day! Hopefully we can get in another sesh tomorrow before a storm moves in on Monday.
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