3-4 ft. - waist to shoulder high with occasional 5 ft. and fair conditions. Fair and glassy with walled up lines and soft workable shoulders on the inside.Although I'd add it was inconsistent and say it was a little smaller, especially south of the bathhouse, where I started out just after daylight on a high low tide. The three people in the water at that spot quickly grew to over a dozen - too crowded since it wasn't breaking over a very wide distance. So I headed a little north of the bathhouse where only 1 guy was out. He was friendly but mostly we just waited around until conditions started to improve, either on the incoming tide or because we drifted even farther north to perhaps a better spot. Hard to get used to the steep fast wave again, and I blew a few takeoffs, but had a couple brief rides before nailing a nice left just before I had to leave for work. Even managed to turn up and exit out the back right before the wave closed out. Sweet! Stoked!
"The ocean stirs the heart, inspires the imagination and brings eternal joy to the soul." - Wyland